Read Nehemiah 7.
- Why was it important to have trustworthy, god-fearing men as Nehemiah’s assistants in charge of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 7:2)?
- How are these qualities important for leaders today?
- What other roles or jobs had to be filled? What are some contemporary counterparts to these roles?
- Why was genealogy so important to Nehemiah? What does this say about God’s people in Old Testament times?
- Priests, in particular, had to demonstrate their lineage before they could act as priests. What might God have wanted His people to learn from making such an issue of bloodline in this office? What role, if any, does bloodline or family identity play in New Testament times?
- What can we learn from this chapter about the place of worship in this newly restored society of God’s people?
- Nehemiah chose people specifically to fit certain roles. How can we do that in the church today? What roles among God’s people are you fitted for?